Colleges We Have Attended

Members of the Smart Minds Tutoring team have attended or will be enrolling in some of the most prestigious institutions in higher learning around. And we will work with you very hard to give you the best chance at getting accepted into the school of your choice. It starts with developing a plan that is tied back to where you are academically compared the the time available and resources available to develop compelling and competitive packages. We take a holistic look at the educational landscape and point out ways that you can get the applications done efficiently, find scholarships of interest, and map out a future plan for success. We would love for you too to claim one of the below schools as your potential alma mater. Universities that SMT personnel have been to include the following schools:


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of California Berkeley


University of Maryland College Park Honors College

Georgia Institute of Technology


University of Maryland Baltimore County

Pennsylvania State University


University of Pennsylvania

These impressive credentials show that our team is more than qualified to help you find a college that’ll provide you with a quality educational experience, and one aligned with your career goals and interests.